M. Zieleniewski’s work

M. Zieleniewski’s work

The exhibition of the works of M. K. Zieleniewski, held last week at the gallery of Bernheim Jeune, 83, Faubourg Saint-Honoré, has added laurels in the public estimation to this gifted artist, whose work is greatly appreciated for the sincerity of his art. His landscapes include impressions of Japan, the Riviera, Italy, Capri, etc. Of his portraits, Mr. G. Frederic Lees, the well-known journalist, writes:—

“Zieleniewski will have many admirers among those who do not demand what is commonly called ‚a good likeness.‘ — those who know that there is greater art in putting upon canvas or paper the character and spirit of the sitter than in attaining mere accuracy as regards facial characteristics. A slave
to accuracy as far as the lineaments of
a given face are concerned, a portraitist
rarely succeeds in giving us what is in-
finitely more precious : a lasting record
of the sitter’s character, his psychic ego,
or his particular mood at the time he is
depicted. There is something in each of
the portrails at this exhibition of K.
Zicleniew ski’s work which arrests our
attention, which makes us ask—‘What
sort of man or woman is this !… Wliat
is the mental outlook of this or that sit
ter ? And whenever we have a pro
blem like this set we can be certain that
we are in the presence of the work of a
true artist… He has also found time
to undertake more ambitious and larger
works of art, such as his ‘Crucifixion’
and other equally large canvases.’’